YARN BOMBING/YARNBOMBING n. The surreptitious or unauthorized placement of knittedobjects on statues, posts, and other public structures." -- (Word Spy)
Hundreds of knitters around the world have begun wrapping their huge woolly creations around public property like trees, street signs and lampposts.''Yarn Bombing" is an amusing form of artful anarchism. It's a bit of cockammamie crocheting and granny grafitti all rolled into one....

(knitters,you may also find this little story interesting, not to mention heartwarming.)

This week im ESPECIALLY loving the new channel 4 series Kirsties Homemade Home with Kirstie Allsop from Location location, following her journey to refurbish her Devon cottage Meadow Gate. Kirstie is on a mission to transform her dilapidated house, into the ultimate “homemade” home, with everything either made in the UK, or made by her.
Although Kirstie and i share a name and a passion for our homes, i dont agree with all of her homestyle choices... but the programme is immensely enjoyable. For example i wasnt keen on her 'posh'bathroom, but the blind she had made for the window~was heavenly~And thats the point of the programme, we dont all have to like the same things, we should just furnish and decorate our home in the way which makes US happy. I did have to laugh at the bits where Kirsty is trundling along in her trusty land rover looking in skips-now in that respect we could be twins! Lol......Yesterday when i went ploughing with Mr P on a old farm i noticed they had loads of barns with odd bits and pieces and furniture and stuff in, i was like a kid in a sweet shop insisting that i could 'rescue' lots of treasure(tat). I was informed they do furniture upholstery there!!!(breathe, try not to hyperventilate!!) but Mr P was insistent that it wasnt the done thing to snoop around someonelses yard looking through their stuff! I did manage to take a stroll over to the bonfire pile of bits though but i dont think even i could've salvidged much (to my etertnal dismay, though i probably could have rescued one small wooden chest but there would have been the small matter of getting it home on the tractor, hhmm, i shall have to go back there when 'smudge' the boss is about!!).